So, there is this thing where people write about their three chosen words for the coming year. Before I haven´t done this and such but this year I wanted to give it a go so here we go. My three words for 2019.
In any other way this would have been “find the light” but those are more words than I have to work with.
I have chosen “light” as one of my words because I am down in darkness and have been deep and low into this place for the last three years. I want 2019 to finally be the year I leave the darkness behind and go into the light of being out of depressions and sadness from the previous year. 2018 was not a good year for me since I lost my best friend and I still have flashbacks about the last six months and those were not enjoyable the least.
This has hurt me both physically and with my mind and during the last months I´ve had too many days to count where I basically just lie in bed with a blanket over my head sleeping. This mixed with fighting the flu or the last remnant of a flu is not helping.
So back into the light during 2019 in any way possible.
My second word for 2019 is “Work”. Currently I am unemployed/freelancing as a web & print designer while writing these posts and even tutorials for Genesis and WordPress.
This is not working out for me so in one way or another I am going to get a jobb during 2019. If I finally get my breaktrough so I start earning money as a freelancer designing or with a 8-4 jobb. Either way I need to start earning some money for myself and for the times when those close to me need money. It would also mean I have some spending money for when I want to buy something instead of having to save for years.
My final word for 2019 is “Design”. I like designing. It´s fun making something new and being creative with fonts, colors, shapes and what not. I have idea for designs. I just need to put them to the paper.
This means I get more to show as a freelancer, it also gives me time and opportunity to work on ideas and see how they would end up looking and all in all it´s going to be fun hopefully.
Colors and fonts are my hardest choices so these areas are what I intend to improve on during the year for designs. But not lowering the quality of my other areas is going to be a challenge, a fun one but still a bit challenging.
So, those were my three words for 2019. “Light”, “Work” and “Design”. What are your three words for 2019?